
The Inspector tool is designed for GO console users to check, manage, track the API data in one place. Once you have implemented the AgencyUSB API or ExtranetUSB API of GO Supply on your side, you can easily check the hotel list and products status in overview within the required criteria by using the Inspector tool directly.

How does it work?

The Overview of AgencyUSB API

  • Hotel List function: Access the /hotels API to get the list of hotels from the Supply-side.

  • Hotel Product function: Access the /hotel/{hotelId} API to get the hotel products from the Supply-side.

  • ARI Pull Daily function: Access the /ari/daily/details API to get the Daily ARI from the Supply-side.

  • ARI Pull LOS function: Access the /ari/los/details API to get the LOS ARI from the Supply-side.

  • Live Check function: Access the /availability API to get the real-time result from the Supply-side.

  • Live Check VS ARI Pull function: Compare /availability and Cache from Supply-side.

The Overview of ExtranetUSB API

  • Hotel List function: access the /hotels API to get the list of hotels from the Supply-side.

  • Hotel Product function: access the /hotel/{hotelId} API to get the hotel products from the Supply-side.

  • ARI Pull Daily function: access the /ari/daily/details API to get the Daily ARI from the Supply-side.

  • ARI Pull LOS function: access the /ari/los/details API to get the LOS ARI from the Supply-side.